Sunday, July 15, 2007

Restaurant Servers Are Rude


Dear friends, many of you are about to enjoy a deserved rest, or are returning from tours abroad.

This period obviously does not allow the union to consult its democratic basis in order to present the party platform for the renewal of contract.

So, how it should be obvious, it refers to September, ie the actual return to work almost all the necessary coordination occurs in assemblies and smaller unions.

Our party, however, does not approve .... and covering verbal insults our national secretaries of the last meeting about occurred on June 19, accuses: we were promised in exchange for supplementary pensions, the negotiations for a new flash Negotiable ....!!!!

Now ... we can not know with certainty who has promised everything, but certainly see the EMPLOYER which claims the contract is something really unusual to say the "unnatural".

fact to remember, gentlemen, but also to ourselves, that the renewal of contract law and its claim of the worker, and is a tool to improve working conditions and wages.

Then in the year someone tried to turn it into something else.

watchful supervision ... you people ... I enclose the response of trade unions, which seems appropriate for once and no flaws, in the hope that it will restore some clarity of their ruoli.Buone holidays!

Rome, July 4 '07


the c. to President Dr.
Fax :06-4404255

epc AGIS

At about
Dr. N. Santangelo
Fax :06-4404255
Via di Villa Patrizi, 10 00161 Roma

We hereby to answer your dated June 26
agree with you about the positive meaning of a journey undertaken together in recent months, to realign a contractual condition significantly affected for Foundations Lyric Symphony.
In a very complex and difficult given the cut in the central and peripheral resources, improper intervention on the prerogatives of ownership and the social partners (operated by L.43) to have renewed, with the balance due, and defined the Biennium Budget for the sector, with the gradual economic reforms, a social issue as important as the additional security was an important test of accountability on both sides.
the occasion of the 11 V 2007, we agreed to compare, within the month of July, their locations and processing the contract renewal striving to draw on that occasion, the routes and times for the actual start of negotiations, in accordance with our commitments we held a meeting on 19 us where we have verbally declined the issues which we believe will characterize the comparison of the contract renewal , issues on which we are committed to present a platform to articulate points after the necessary democratic paths, which are essential to build awareness and participation of all workers. We believe, therefore, unwarranted and "over the top" to your concerns.
The new contract represents a significant moment for us and it is important to redefine the Collective Bargaining Agreement as a primary element Solidarity for the entire category, protecting and guaranteeing the quality of working conditions and production as well as an opportunity for re-appropriation of the rights to management and labor contractors.

We believe we can produce our platform for a comparison of substance within the last week of September pv

p. The National Secretariats
S. Conti M. Giustini S. E. Sciarra Courses