Rome on October 6 '06
The National Coordination Unit of the employees of lyrical Symphony Foundation meeting on Oct. 6 about the situation in the sector examined in the light of changes introduced both on the budget law of contract.
In view of the first reports of the Finance Act 2007, the Coordination recorded a significant turnaround, corrective action was already being felt in the accounts of the state last July, in relation to resources allocated to FUS, which will report, out, by 2009, to exceed 540 million euro.
remains the non-positivity of the general approach of the Budget Law that inhibiting transfers to Local Authorities could lead to cuts in production and cultural use in a decentralized manner.
The encouraging signs on the resources are, however, overshadowed by a series of policy choices, not shared, such as a different remodeling rates of allotment in the FUS, which penalizes the Foundations and unacceptable targeting of the same subject to negotiation legal wage-Negotiable.
In terms of contract, coordination, while noting the exceptional nature of negotiating slips, notes the willingness of dall'ANFOLS on the comparison, planned for 13 minutes, for the renewal of two years economico2004/05.
There remains, in all its negativity, the law 43/2005 in those parts of the invasive powers negotiating heavily influencing the usability of contract, and prevent the opening of the table for the renewal-wage legislation, also should be promptly removed the impediments to the development regime and compliance with the organic plants approved by the Ministry.
about what we urge the political forces to quickly take the necessary steps to overcome parliamentary useful distortions introduced by this measure.
Coordination in this respect, for our powers urges the National Secretariats to enable stringent institutional paths to change the law in all those listed on interfering parts of dubious constitutionality and to activate, since overcoming the reluctance shown today by the Minister, a discussion table with the Department of National Heritage and Culture aims to find suitable solutions to a crisis of the sector in economic terms, now verges a consolidated debt of approximately € 120 million overall and is preparing to close the year 2006 with significant additional burdens, which vividly demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the Law 43/05.
Coordination, also condemns the urgency of convening an inter-ministerial table to address the longstanding issue of pension Tersicorea.
should oppose the project, now obvious, the closure of the corps de ballet and not allow the death of a dancer as a profession.
remains the objective of avoiding the cultural colonization based on the super-exploitation of artists not only protected for the benefit of managers - agents and art directors.
Given all this, the Coordination agrees on the urgency of a strong national initiative to enable the entire world of entertainment to be held in Rome in mid-November, which call for the mandate and implementation by the National Secretariats.
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