There are days that the reflections (more or less deep) flow in front of the most unlikely places.
Literature is full of aphorisms immortal born in front of a mountain sunset. Or set entire books in front of the majestic vastness of the sea. Yesterday my source of inspiration was the refrigerator.
I was, well, crazy as it stopped in a car motionless in front of an endless red light, gazing at the interior of this essential appliance.
My refrigerator seems to be the cell of a supermarket. With the passage of time will take the form of a painting of the late nineteenth century, having as its object a still life.
A thorough inspection brings to light the remains of mummified flesh, rusted cans, zucchini damaged by mysterious mold. And then, again, dried tomatoes and cheese fossils. More than any other product of Mother Earth, the result of my family's frequent raids in the various food emporiums in the area. Not content with value for money products of about fifty stores, often we also rely on the tele-shopping, often self-rubbing.
should, sometimes minor problems aside (basements in Monaco, party scollacciati, the decline of its vileness, the debate within the Democratic Party), sit in front of the wide open doors of the pantry and ask, finally, the sun fundamental questions of this part of the century.
Why I bought the light mayonnaise if you do not like anyone, not even, I think, to the producer? What prompted me to accumulate a lot of bacon than it would be enough to feed thirty years for the entire population of Western Sahara (old and children included)? What are they doing in my house, eleven eggplant? Why I ordered a pallet of typical Calabrian if everyone in the family abhor hot?
If we want to further harm, we could make a detour to the basement or garage. We finally have clear causes and effects of consumerism: garbage and pollution. Just stop for a moment and reflect. The conclusions can only be one.
is no getting around them changed from a ruthless debate in front of a refrigerator the only true hope of salvation of the tottering empire of the West ...
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