from the site 03/04/2011
GENEVA - "Even at this stage of cuts in public spending, from the penalty spot after accumulating a large stock of public debt, I believe that cuts in public spending can not be done with the machete. You can not equate all costs " said President Giorgio Napolitano at the end of the visit to the laboratories of CERN in Geneva, where he also called for greater private sector contribution to research.
This must also apply in a phase of "shrinking government spending due to a debt that must be alleviated in the not too long." Beyond that, Napolitano added, should not "be ever less the commitment of the private sector." And in any event "can not be sacrificed lightly, in brief, those who invest in our future."
"I do not know if Galileo was able to secure immediate relapse of his discoveries, "said Napolitano, but" there are few young people to be so motivated as those who devote themselves to scientific research, "not help" would be a crime. We must think what is at stake in Italy's role in the world a stage where the role is likely to decline even before the advancing world of Europe in research in countries such as those in Asia, for centuries the margins of development . If Europe does not want to be ordered to play a minor role, our scientific heritage is increased
and this depends on us. "
the Italian scientific community that revolves around workers in Geneva (1,500 researchers per 6,000) caused a sensation and concern the choice of our country to reduce appropriations in the budget law for research and then also the national contribution to CERN, which is a project shared by 20 countries.
"As you know - said Napolitano - I am a non-executive chairman but I think that will be shared by some other fundamental reasons for the development of the Italian community that are reflected in research investment. There is a reason for our strong support and CERN are convinced that this commitment will not be less why you should look a little longer and far-sighted ".
" I agree with the call given by the President of the Republic : you can not cut off funding to research, why it is that research can be the economic well-being. "So says astrophysicist Margherita Hack in the words of Head of State." It 's important, however, as noted by Napolitano - added Hack - that there is a greater contribution by the private sector: in fact, in Italy today is spent on research to 1% of GDP, of which 0.6% comes from the public and only 0.4% of the companies. "This means, he said astrophysics," that Italian companies do little research when they should invest more in this area, from Fiat.
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