admit to suffering from the "ostrich syndrome". I notice when you go on TV images just as distressing a fork full of spaghetti is about to enter the mouth. Until a few years ago I changed the channel (coward to the core), preferring to watch the performance of Enrico Papi (cowardly, masochistic, as well). Now I'm addicted, I'll take it as a ready-fiction, where reality flowing plasma is cleverly counterfeited to raise audience.
scenes of Japan on his knees in front of slide in front of my eyes and those of my daughter, who looked sharp and I wonder why all those men are now poor. His is a specific question: ask me to explain poverty. The fork stopped in midair. And what do I know of poverty? What do we know?
one day we ever become poor? We have, we in the West, the faintest idea what it means to be "poor"?
It means not having enough to eat or not to have a mobile phone? Do not have a house or owning a second home for the holidays? Do not have to cover that or be forced to wear the clothes of the year before?
A disturb our sleep, anxious to make our future, is the concern of the present. While living in a society based on material goods we can not build in a century, a shred of "material culture" that would help distinguish the necessary from the superfluous, the useless to useful. This is, after all, that we enjoy so little superfluous cheerful and irreplaceable useless confuse them with the necessary gray.
The concept of wealth is relative, there are ten million people, but it would take another hundred, and others. There are those who can not sleep at night because I can not buy the last installment supeaccessoriato SUV and well suited to deserts. There are thousands of examples. Those are rich or poor?
If we have an idea of \u200b\u200bpoverty so confused, it is very bad because we attended the wealth ...
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