Thursday, December 16, 2010
Kaisermare And Foal Wolfgang Gawantka
Isaiah 16
Send a lamb to the ruler of the land,
the cliff to the desert
the mountain of the daughter of Zion.
2 Like a bird fugitive
as a brood dispersed
are the daughters of Moab
the fords of.
3 counsel,
make a decision!
Make your shadow like night
at high noon;
hide missing
not to betray the fugitives.
4 Let your guests
the outcasts of Moab;
Be their refuge from the destroyer.
When the tyrant will be settled
and over the devastation, the destroyer
disappeared in the region,
5 then a throne will be established on meekness,
sit there with all faithfulness in the tent of David ,
prompt a court of law
and ready to justice.
6 We have heard the pride of Moab,
the proud,
his arrogance, his pride, his arrogance,
the vanity of his talk.
7 For this reason, raise a lament for Moab Moab,
complain all;
for grape cakes of Kir-Carèset
groan all dismayed.
8 am squalid camps Heshbon languish
Sibmah screws.
Lords of people have broken the branches that reached
penetrated far into the desert;
their branches stretched freely
reach the sea.
9 So I weep with the cry of Jazer
Sibmah of the vineyards.
inundate you with my tears, Heshbon
, Elealeh,
it on your fruit and your harvest
the cry of the tenants has fallen.
10 are missing joy and happiness from the orchards, vineyards
not rise more than happy clamor
nor cries more cheerfully.
The wine in the vats nobody mashing,
the cheers of joy has ceased.
11 Therefore my bowels quiver
to Moab as a harp,
my grows warm to Kir-Carèset.
12 Moab will get tired and on the heights,
will be in his sanctuary to pray,
but without success.
13 This is the message that once the Lord spoke to Moab.
14 But now the Lord says: "In three years, as the years of an employee, the glory of Moab will be depreciated with all its large population. There can be only a remnant, a small and powerless. "
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Toronto Snark Sailboat
[Angelus, 29 November 1992]
How Much Do Kissing Teacher Cost
crystal eyes, to be crazy!
Big, blue, clear, sweet.
In his gaze, full of languor,
a yearning for love ...
an "unspoken" to be happy!
A man like that, in the desire t'annega,
sinks you into temptation,
while the test is negative ...
but you feel that you probe.
look at you and witch
won six and you know it.
But no man do you care, there is no passion
when all 'love' you on!
Pure Corn Oil And Brownies
is published lists read during the sit-in 13/12/2010:
List of Students:
We are here to represent high school students, because we realize that education is one of our fundamental rights and is therefore our duty to defend and preserve it so that it can perform its vital task of training young people. Education fuels the doubt and curiosity and should be for everyone, so that people get out of school, and not puppets. And we are here today because we are also discouraged us because
- we want a school that includes and excludes, a school that would eliminate the inconvenience, turning them into strengths, obstacles and advantages and resources.
-because the school is our future and everyone has the right to participate in it without discrimination.
- because we feel abandoned by a government that prefers partying with pretty girls rather than worrying about our future.
- because they were oppressing us with your pseudo-reforms and we want to divide us ... but we scream and scream even louder now! hoping that one day we can really listen because we think that in order to implement a serious reform and effective we have to deal with us, that is, with the school who lives it every day.
- Why is all around us just talking about the crisis in crisis ... and slowly we are going too.
- you lack confidence because in classes where you could stay at 20 people, you managed to make it feel 32.
- you declared open to dialogue, but really talk like you have before you a wall.
- because we do not feel respected and are only able to trample on our hopes and our dreams.
-dare you criticize us saying that young people are lacking in values, whereas those who lack the values \u200b\u200byou're right.
- because we feel obligated to get angry when you tell us we prefer to show rather than studying, but the reality is that we show just to defend and protect our right to study that you want to violate.
- we do not care because when you say that we are indifferent to politics, when we are interested we are troublemakers.
- because we are afraid.
- why be optimistic, as some suggest, does not mean being blind to the problems, but to recognize the gravity is involved because these are ... and this commitment already partly solved by us.
- because to really reform the school does not just throw decrees from above, without regard for anyone, cutting indiscriminately and leaving behind those who can not make it, the school is a complex organism, a mirror of society, and as such should be treated with responsibility and respect. Because if the school does not work, society and even more so that this future is not going anywhere.
Now close your eyes and imagine living in Italy where for each school, there is a plan adequate time, where teachers are not taken every day in fear of insecurity, where people who administration is close to us and everything is done in great harmony. In short, an environment able to enhance our capabilities and able to convey hope. In a world where everywhere you are focusing on the culture and education, cut off the funding of public schools is perhaps the worst mistake you can make, because there is to know where there is violence, there is ignorance, c 'is closed and is not aware of being part of something more grande.La school should help us grow, mature, and live. Because the future we us high school students, academics, researchers and young insecure!
List of university students:
-lack confidence because the rector becomes an absolute monarch who appoints his court: it is he who chooses the Director General and members of the Board (the Board), which then no longer be elected. Therefore, the deans will be able to freely "their men" in the SO, that is, in the main body of power, and thus decide what they want.
-lack confidence because the Board becomes the main organ of power. It will have 11 members of which no administrative or technical: the dean, a student elected, up to 5 teachers, at least 4 external, all chosen by the rector. The exterior will be bankers, business men or indicated by the parties. Therefore the private govern the universe, and without even having to put a euro, with all that this entails in terms of freedom of research and teaching. It 'clear that, although there will be no privatization's transformation into a foundation (which is actually something covered by the Act), the logic of the private work will enter the university.
-Amministratovi lack confidence because the manager is replaced by the General Manager or a manager appointed by the rector, who will also come from the private sector.
-lack confidence because many universities will be in red because of cuts in state funding. For public universities there are three possible ways: the change in private foundations, the merger of several universities, the proclamation of the financial difficulties with the subsequent receivership by the ministry.
-lack confidence because, within a year, the Government will approve decrees legislation to establish the percentage of teaching, and technical and administrative staff at all universities, establish a cap on the bargaining, establishing a cap on the cost of temporary staff and permanent. The autonomy of universities is dead and buried.
-lack confidence because after you cut one third of the fund that guarantees the right to study grants to deserving students, will set up a fund for the credit that will be used for scholarships for "deserving" (regardless of income) and to provide loans ("Special Study") to be returned in part after graduation according to time proportionate to the earned income received by the graduate.
-Hopeless because researchers in the future will no longer be indefinite. Is established, in addition to existing forms of precarious employment, the figure of the researcher fixed-term three-year contract renewable for another three years. The average age of entry "in role" of researchers, already high (36 years) will rise even more and are not guaranteed the resources to hire people who will, during the term, national certification as a teacher. After 6 years a researcher, even if he has obtained a license approval, where there will be no money for take it, will be expelled.
-Hopeless because it strengthened the power of full professors (the barons) in fees for the recruitment of teaching. In addition, the Board of Directors, upon proposal of the player, you can avoid making the competitions by calling direct teacher friends.
-lack confidence because the university now offers greatly devalued securities. There is a first degree. Then you can subscribe to a two-year. Now, however, these titles are considered insufficient, and then begin the expensive ordeal of the master, or courses.
List of journalists
"Press freedom is not an absolute right." Said in July the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, a man who claims to be liberal. Said a man who has sworn on the Constitution, Article 21, says flatly: "The press can not be subjected to authorization or censorship." This is another good reason to hope for an alternative, the excess of what exists.
The limitation of freedom print can not be allowed in any democracy, even when it is driven by the more conservative majorities. Stating that press freedom is not an absolute right and fundamental to us once more away from being a normal country.
As a journalist I feel full responsibility for my work, I dictate seriousness and professional ethics. As a citizen I claim, like everyone else, the right to be biased: I left off of the ideas of progress and work, as you well know all. But I claim with as much force as a professional duty to never be biased: I owe it to readers and the respect they deserve. It also this all well know.
One thing common to a very large part of the category: from right to left, 95 percent of journalists in recent months, Italy has deployed, for example, against the gag law because a lot of information and information of public interest would be denied every day to change the perception of reality, because it obscured, "deleted" for the rules of an illiberal and wrong law that would prohibit any knowledge.
But there is another factor that threatens the freedom of information: the insecurity, enhanced by recently approved work-related. Call employees, temporary call, call freelance, we are those who are daily, build, write, photograph, telling the news of the Veneto, in the pages of newspapers as on television or the Internet or radio.
We are proud of our work, despite its dignity is trampled daily by starvation wages, contracts ghost and by the almost total protection and rights. Does not officially exist: no place of bargaining with the presence of one of our representatives, even if, in fact, without us, no news organization could work, even for a day.
Our situation, therefore, is similar to that of all temporary workers, in this condition in spite of their centrality in their respective workplaces. The overcoming of this condition does not fall from the sky. The excess is only possible if we abandon the simple lament. Mutualism needs of an organization rooted and widespread, and our demands will not be heard without a mobilization that can communicate inside and outside of newsrooms our proposals and our reasons. It must be clear to everyone that our only chance of success goes to the construction of genuine solidarity between us, putting aside any short-sighted spirit of competition.
list of young immigrants
My name is Sara, I am a young student, I am a high school here in Rovigo. I am a girl of the second generation, a girl "normal" ... perhaps a little 'controversy, but other than that I do not think, however, have nothing special that distinguishes me from other people so much ... Or perhaps, I wear the veil, which is only my freedom to practice my religione.Sono daughter of two wonderful parents. My father has a beard, but does not look threatening. My mom is not segregated at home, but instead, visit the nearby, go to the grocery store, go to the gym, chatting on the phone. My father has no contact facebook to Bin Laden, and has no intention of blowing himself up, because I certainly did not senso.A times I hear "Back in your country!" Seriously or in jest ... but as Freud said, in jest you can say everything, even the truth! When I make this statement or similar, I think ... and think, "why not? Why should I stay in a country that does not want me? "But then, thinking better, I say," But where am I going? This is my country! "And I'm not the only person feeling this way: I am a member of an association, the GMI, young Muslims in Italy, full of second-generation immigrants. The president of our association called the boys "of the conditional," because often when you think of an immigrant who can not imagine someone speak, who speaks only indefinitely, maybe even dirty, criminal ... this for the conditioning , not to mention the brainwashing, there is television and other means of comunicazione.Eppure is not the case. Do not believe us? I prove it, that I speak on behalf of many other young like me. I do not want to return to this country, "imaginary," I want to stay here, I feel I belong to this culture, I feel I belong to Italy, I want to stay because I want to fight for integration, for dialogue, for a country where racism and the injury does not exist! Maybe I'm a girl too ambitious, but certainly not to gawk at. And together with me so many other young immigrants are waging this battle. Do not fight just for my rights as a "young foreigners" but as "a young Italian." I fight to defend the constitution, to respect for the Constitution, and I'm not going to give my trust to a prime minister who wants to promote the award Alfano.Non I want to be an advantage, but not at a disadvantage compared to all young people of my age, lot for my future, continue to struggle to get universities pubbliche.ContinuerĂ² to fight for my rights, that this government continues to hinder.
List for the Defence of Women:
My name is Anna, and a woman. Today I am here because I want to represent all the women in my country, regardless. And I have so much anger inside, because article 3 of our Constitution which states that "all citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions" is not true. It is not true of foreigners and not against us is true donne.Voglio disheartened because this government can not tolerate the femicide that is gender-based violence in all its forms and is the exercise of power that men and society that women have on their behavior meets the expectations of men and patriarchal society. I can not tolerate that woman should be afraid to go out when it is evening and around there anyone and I can not tolerate being told that that was harassed for wearing a dress too corto.Vi distrust because it is unthinkable that a woman can not find work because bad or too young or too old, you lack confidence because we women are tired of always be as representative as an escort or tissue of a president pedophile, liar and corrupt. We lack confidence because there enhanced and indeed, we exclude from society.
in the world, every 8 minutes, a woman is killed and domestic violence is the leading cause of death, do you think kills more than the husband, boyfriend or lover of road accidents or wars .
In Italy the phenomenon of physical and sexual abuse in one third of women living in Italy and are, in fact, 6 million and 734 000 women victims of such violence in the course of his vita.Sono here today to disheartened violence: pushed by threats, by punching, slapping and attempts to strangle stupro.Sono angry, hurt and disappointed that this Government with the Minister Carfagna, a former showgirl, hannohanno cut funds for the centers and anti-violence law enforcement. In conclusion, I invite all women to never stop fighting and hope ... because only then one day we will have justice.
list of health professionals:
are Fabio Bimbati, employee of the Health of Rovigo, the computer worker, white collar, red blood. Today is a beautiful day, period. And that tomorrow could be even better.
Why is this government could no longer exist. And I'd be a bit 'happier.
I'm against this government because it has deliberately divided society, looking to put all against all, deliberately manipulating reality. Culturally impoverishing entire social classes, watering of immorality every living space. The space of the individual, the cleverness, the ability to get away, find the shortcut, have become the common life. The appearance against the substance. The personal enrichment against the general impoverishment. The dismantling of social rights. In a few days we will inaugurate our new piece of public hospital. Come see for yourself the new operating modern plates, an entry to embarrass the best designers, furniture signing, Pharaonic sites and volumes. But no matter if behind this there are nurses to assist you. While many doctors are fleeing to the private hospitals in high growth. Since you cut the public funds but remain unchanged for those in the private sector. And Let the governor Zaia Cathedral to inaugurate the health workers will find companions Grimeca which had made empty promises on October 26. The Public Health suck? We shall return in a few years when it may no longer exist because the model that the Government had in mind was that of private hospitals in Lombardy. Where you worked because you were not hurt, but just to increase profit.
I'm against this government because it has created new "disappearances", people without voice, expelled from work, young graduates are unable to enter the world of work, people ashamed of poverty, people without rights, unable to aggregate, people frightened by the dangers do not exist, people closed, compressed in individuality poor.
I'm against this government because it attempts to erase the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof our Constitution. Why is contained in those standards throughout the aggregate value of our society, because the constitution is the glue that makes us feel in need of rights and obligations, guarantees of democracy. While we want people, supplies and parts to be consumed.
We have an idea of \u200b\u200bcompany unity and solidarity, without rights and duties, services and taxes have to be paid, where the public is not associated with a television show, but it means all, and private does not mean none of my business, but it is my part of a set form the whole.
As we said B. Brecht
The little house under the trees on the lake.
smoke rises from the roof.
Were it not for
How would desolate
The house, the trees, the lake.
List for anti-fascism:
My name is George and I am here today to represent the values \u200b\u200bdell'antifascismodi today that I feel alive in me more than ever. Being anti-fascists today
- means belonging to a group of people who, despite the different social, membership party, the conception of politics, religion, race and life are united by a love of freedom, democracy and the full recognition and commitment to defense and full implementation of our Constitution
- It means being part of a group formed as then, young and old, girls and boys, workers, professionals, housewives and artisans as they are deployed and then fought against those who confuse truth and falsehood, freedom and oppression, to revive the moral significance, before political democracy.
- It means paying attention to costumes that the new fascism has been able to invent and understand that castor oil and batons have been transformed into something else but hatred for freedom and violence have not abandoned the new and "modern" techniques of hiding the media.
- It means to be custodians of historical events through which the people of our country has been able to find the way of a return to reason going from totalitarianism to democracy without any charismatic leader.
- means to renounce violence, racism and all forms of war more or less disguised, was deemed functional weapon of the enemies of democracy and freedom.
- It is to open a new season that addresses the aspirations of thousands of unemployed young people, immigrants, temporary workers without plans for life and the unemployed, all those who suffer indigence not for their but to blame the conditions imposed by their dramatic effects of a policy not so different from the government, which downplayed the crisis and avoid taking the necessary measures to cope with, and preferred to deal with personal problems of one man.
- It means being critical awareness of democracy and society, because the problem that Featured in the reality of Italian politics is not the dialectical conflict between left and right, but an irreconcilable conflict between those who attack our country's democratic identity, created through the resistance and the resulting Constitution.
- Finally out of the defensive means to continue to live the memory of the struggle for democracy, at risk due to the gradual disappearance of the intolerable attack on supporters and protagonists of the Resistance who were victims of violent regime.
List of workers Grimeca:
Hello guys, we want to be here because your healthy, shiny and beautiful madness would give us a bit of courage that we are losing. We would love to be here with you because the most beautiful pages of the book of the achievements of the workers and students have written together. We would like to be here with you so much, why still have not got ... do it again, do not get! Do it for you, for your future. Do it for us who look like beautiful, clean, sisters and younger brothers. Do it for your faces, bodies, where it is still possible to grow the dream. Sorry for the absence but we are working and others who are at home are unwilling to speak publicly. But thank you, thank you with every muscle, heart, to be taken care of us today. We love you, to you and that you know trigger storms, your struggle that takes off and gets up! a hug, European workers tend Grimeca.
list of teachers
Orazio Marchetti reads the list of reasons why the Government must fall, given the harm he has done to the Italian public schools, particularly in the primary school :
- The era Berlusconi had opened within the three "i". Berlusconi promised English, Business and Internet to schools in Italy. In what situation we find ourselves today? There is not English, the Italian company is in crisis, schools are equipped with obsolete computers, there is less internet).
- The total resources stolen by the Berlusconi government in Italy in public schools amounted to 8 billion euros. They say that money is not there. Yet the crisis is global, so why other advanced countries, rather than decreasing, increased resources for education? Evidently the advanced nations believe in education as a primary asset, which must be defended and protected also, and perhaps most importantly in times of crisis!
- More than 120,000 workers (teachers, janitors and secretaries), too precarious for over ten years, it was not or will not renew the contract. This is not idle, as he wanted us to believe the television, but young people who in most cases have done their job with passion.
- The return to single teacher, imposed by law 169/2008, art. 4. was carried out with the clear intention to cut thousands of posts. By 2014, primary school, one teacher will address the following subjects: Italian, mathematics, computer science, geometry, music, art and drawing, science, history, geography, English, physical education and religion.
- The block of text books (Article 5 of the Law) for 5 years (primary school) and 6 years (secondary school) is used to lock the know: in 2015 a boy of medium is find a study on a text printed in 2009, but at least conceived in 2005. An instructional text is passed as a weapon checked.
- Children of primary school have been removed equal: a few hours, two teachers worked together in the same class, ensuring that all pupils, including those in difficulty, individualized attention, which meant the ability to understand and do, to keep pace with others. Now students in difficulty should arrange, since the first grade. There are no more copresences.
- When a teacher is sick, can not be replaced by an alternate. It should save! The fate of the class is therefore to be dismantled. A small groups, each with its own chair, the children orphaned by the teacher, moving from classroom to classroom. They have the impression of being too much in the classes that host them. Do not even have a bench to lean on. This humiliating and uncomfortable situation can last for a fortnight.
- With the return of the votes in elementary and middle number, you jump back thirty-three years. A child sees evaluated with a number: it is treated as a "thing", not as a person.
- The contractual status of employees of the school is disastrous: the contracts of principals expect to be renewed for more than four years, those teachers have been blocked for the next three, now two years are being postponed the elections of union representatives in public schools. Currently, an Italian teacher is paid a third of a German professor, half a French teacher!
- Why, then, a public service worker who falls ill is removed a portion of the salary? And 'maybe just to punish a worker because of falling ill?
- A bullet point should be paid to janitors, to help ensure the normality of school life: welcome visitors, take the class when the teacher has to pee - children should never be left alone - and medical small injuries that children do in school, their decrease in number (less than 17% in three years, ie 42,000 units less) makes it much more difficult to teach: in some cases, teachers must in turn open the gate, answer the phone, but above all, must remember to go to the bathroom before 8 am, because then, in the morning will not go there! We had to have the three "i" and not leave us even the janitors!
- From year to year is always more difficult to maintain in schools full time, organize educational tours, putting together workshops, in-depth planning and recovery activities. How can last the agony of the school?
The present government has given a name to this list. This was called "reform."
- not only ruined the Italian school, do not leave just fall Pompeii, not just leave people floods, earthquakes, unemployed to their fate, not just hand over the Italian countryside to the defacement, not only the premier tells jokes that are funny only anti-Semitic who is totally insensitive and Culture: The Berlusconi government also allows you to smash the Italian language! Reform means "reshaping". If the Berlusconi government, the word "reform" means "destroy" the Berlusconi government have to resign as soon as possible, to study the words. Words are important. Words are stones!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Period On Time But Brown
was devastated at night,
Ar-Moab is destroyed;
was devastated by night,
Kir-Moab has been destroyed.
2 is the people of Dibon
climb the hills to cry on
Nebo and Madaba
Moab raises a lament;
each head was shaved,
every beard cut.
3 In its streets are wearing the bag, on the terraces
doing the complaining. In its squares
everyone complains,
melts into tears. 4
began shouting and Elealeh Heshbon,
their cries reach up to IAAS.
That tremble bowels of Moab,
his soul trembles.
5 The heart of Moab wails;
his fugitives come up to Zoar.
Ah, the steep rise Luchìt crying. On the way
send heartbreaking cries. 6 Nimrìm
waters are a wilderness,
the grass has dried up, over and pasture;
there is nothing green.
7 To do this supplies,
carry their reserves beyond the stream of Willows. 8
cries echo throughout the land of Moab;
Eglaim comes up to his scream,
to Bir-Elim his scream. 9
waters of Dimon are full of blood, and yet strike
Dimon with other evils;
a lion for the fugitives of Moab and
the rest of the country.
Mount Y Blade Mod Dragon Ball
2010 Dk Siklon Weight
"Chestnut honey dissolved in coffee"
Sweet, dark, aromatic, strong.
"Feliz el hombre Que Te gusta como mujer"
In the depths of your eyes,
sinks and fades at night, while
emerge shiny mirrors
intense reflections of light and goodness,
bright tenderness and serenity.
Smile and everything is back in tune!
Six music, joy, life, melody.
It spreads an aroma around you?
"Chestnut honey dissolved in the coffee."
Monday, December 13, 2010
What Is Mucus Like Before Period
Isaiah 14
1 The Lord will have mercy on Jacob and will again choose Israel, and restore them to their country. They will be joined by foreigners, which will be incorporated into the house of Jacob.
2 The people welcome them and bring them to their country and they impossesserĂ the house of Israel in the land of God as male and female slaves, so they will those prisoners who had enslaved and dominate their opponents.
3 On that day the Lord will deliver you from your troubles and your cares and the hard bondage in which you have been enslaved.
4 Then tune in this song about the king of Babylon and say,
"Oh, how he came to the torturer,
arrogance is over!
5 The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked,
stick rulers,
6 of the one who struck the peoples in his fury,
with endless shots,
that dominated the people with fury
tyranny without a breath.
7 now rests quiet all the earth
and erupts into shouts of joy.
8 Even the cypresses rejoice about you
and even the cedars of Lebanon:
Since thou art laid low, do not rise more
the loggers against us.
9 The hell below agitate for you,
to meet you at your arrival;
they wake up in the shadows for you,
all the rulers of the earth,
and give rise from their thrones all the kings of the nations .
10 All take the word to say:
You too have been slaughtered like us,
you become like us.
11 crashed into the underworld your pomp,
the music of your harps;
under you there a layer of rotting
your blanket are worms.
12 How art thou fallen from heaven,
Lucifer, son of?
How come you have been lying on the ground,
lord of nations?
13 Yet you thought:
going to heaven,
the stars of God
exalt the throne,
dwell on the mount of assembly,
in the most remote parts of the north.
SalirĂ² 14 on the upper regions of clouds,
I will be equal to the Most High.
15 But you have been plunged into hell,
in the depths of the abyss!
16 How do you see you stare,
watching you closely.
This is the person that upset the earth,
who shook kingdoms,
17 that reduced the world a wilderness,
that destroyed the city,
that did not open the prison to his prisoners?
18 All the kings of peoples,
all buried with honor,
each in his grave.
19 But you are cast out of thy grave,
despicable as a sapling;
killed're surrounded by pierced sword,
as a carcass trodden .
Those that fell in a grave of stones
20 you will not be united in the grave,
because you ruined your country,
have murdered your people
not will be appointed
the offspring of iniquity.
21 Prepare slaughter for his children
because of the iniquity of their father
and no longer rises to conquer the land
and fill the world of ruins' .
22 I rise up against them - word of the Lord of hosts -, and cut off the name of Babylon and the rest, the offspring and the offspring - says the Lord -.
23 I will make the domain of the rich, stagnant swamp, the fuck with the broom of destruction - says the Lord of hosts -.
24 The Lord of hosts has sworn:
as I thought,
happen will happen and how I decided.
25 I will break the Assyrian in my land
and upon my mountains tread him under foot.
then disappear from them the yoke,
his weight from their shoulders. "
26 This is the decision for the whole earth
and this is the hand stretched out over all nations.
27 For the Lord of hosts
has decided, who will make it vain?
His hand is stretched out, who will collect it to him?
28 In the year that King Ahaz died was reported this oracle:
29 "Rejoice not, the whole Philistia,
because it has broken the rod of him who strikes you.
Since the root of a viper snake will come out
and its fruit is a winged dragon.
30 The poor shall feed on my lawn
miserable and you may rest assured;
but I will starve your seed
and kill your change.
31 Urla, door, shouting, city;
shakes, the whole Philistia,
because the smoke rises from the north
and nobody swerves from its ranks. "
32 that it will respond to the messengers of the nations?
"The Lord has founded Zion
and take refuge in it oppressed its people."
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Making A Blueprint A Salon
On his sad face ...
reflected light box.
It 's a rising sun ..?
It 's a foam moon ..,
that never sets?
His gaze into the infinite,
dismay, with a smile, conceals.
His heart, and gypsy lost,
longs to the flames of love!
... His movements, elegant dance,
as wandering soul.
be wandering aimlessly,
her ... and love the lover.
like precious gems and raw
wild-bred filly,
shudders at the touch of the breeze!
Nomad for a caress!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
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Isaiah 13
1 The burden of Babylon, received a vision from Isaiah son of Amos.
2 On a barren mountain hoisted a signal
raised a cry for them;
you waved it crossed
the doors of the principles.
3 I gave an order to my consecrated;
I called my mighty tool in my anger,
excited about my size.
4 crowd noise on the mountains,
similar to that of an immense people.
thunderous noise of the kingdoms
nations gathered.
The Lord of hosts browsing
an army of war.
5 are from a far country,
from the far horizon,
the Lord and the weapons of his wrath,
to devastate the whole country.
6 Wail, for the Lord's Day is near;
it will come as destruction
from the Almighty.
7 Therefore all hands are weak,
every heart of man is not;
8 are dismayed, they take pains and spasms,
writhe like a parturient;
each observed shock his neighbor;
their faces are the faces of flame.
9 Behold, the Lord's day arrives implacable
with disdain, anger and fury,
to make the land desolate,
to kill sinners.
10 For the stars of the sky and the constellation of Orion
will no longer be their light
the sun will be darkened at its rising
and the moon will not spread its light.
11 I will punish the world for evil,
the wicked for their iniquity;
will stop the pride of the proto
and will humble the pride of tyrants.
12 will make a man more rare than gold
rare and deadly gold of Ophir.
13 Then I will shake the heavens
and the earth will shake the foundations
to the anger of the Lord of hosts,
the day of his fierce anger.
14 Then, like a frightened gazelle
and like sheep that no one gathers,
everyone will head to his people,
everyone flee to his native land.
15 How many will be found, will be slain,
how many will be taken, shall perish by the sword.
16 Their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
be looted their homes,
dishonored their wives.
17 Behold, I get excited against them the Medes
who do not think silver,
not care about gold.
18 Their bows will dash the young,
will not have mercy on small newborn
their eyes will not pity children.
19 Babylon, the pearl of the kingdoms,
proud splendor of the Chaldeans,
will be like Sodom and Gomorrah overwhelmed by God
20 will not be inhabited, nor ever more populated
from generation to generation.
The no Arab will pitch his tent
no shepherd the flocks will make you stop.
21 But there will be established desert animals,
owls fill their homes,
will make you stay ostriches,
satyrs will dance there.
22 hyenas howl in their palaces,
jackals luxurious in their buildings.
Its now approaching,
his days be prolonged.
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[Angelus, 27 November 1988]
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
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Isaiah 13
1 The burden of Babylon, received a vision from Isaiah son of Amos.
2 On a barren mountain hoisted a signal
raised a cry for them;
you waved it crossed
the doors of the principles.
3 I gave an order to my consecrated;
I called my mighty tool in my anger,
excited about my size.
4 crowd noise on the mountains,
similar to that of an immense people.
thunderous noise of the kingdoms
nations gathered.
The Lord of hosts browsing
an army of war.
5 are from a far country,
from the far horizon,
the Lord and the weapons of his wrath,
to devastate the whole country.
6 Wail, for the Lord's Day is near;
it will come as destruction
from the Almighty.
7 Therefore all hands are weak,
every heart of man is not;
8 are dismayed, they take pains and spasms,
writhe like a parturient;
each observed dismay his neighbor;
their faces are the faces of flame.
9 Behold, the Lord's day arrives implacable
with disdain, anger and fury,
to make the land desolate,
to kill sinners.
10 For the stars of the sky and the constellation of Orion
will no longer be their light
the sun will be darkened at its rising
and the moon will not spread its light.
11 I will punish the world for evil,
the wicked for their iniquity;
will stop the pride of the proto
and will humble the pride of tyrants.
12 will make a man more rare than gold
rare and deadly gold of Ophir.
13 Then I will shake the heavens
and the earth will shake the foundations
to the anger of the Lord of hosts,
the day of his fierce anger.
14 Then, like a frightened gazelle
and like sheep that no one gathers,
everyone will head to his people,
everyone flee to his native land.
15 How many will be found, will be slain,
how many will be taken, shall perish by the sword.
16 Their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
be looted their homes,
dishonored their wives.
17 Behold, I get excited against them the Medes
who do not think silver,
not care about gold.
18 Their bows will dash the young,
will not have mercy on small newborn
their eyes will not pity children.
19 Babylon, the pearl of the kingdoms,
proud splendor of the Chaldeans,
will be like Sodom and Gomorrah overwhelmed by God
20 will not be inhabited, nor ever more populated
from generation to generation.
The no Arab will pitch his tent
no shepherd the flocks will make you stop.
21 But there will be established desert animals,
owls fill their homes,
will make you stay ostriches,
satyrs will dance there.
22 hyenas howl in their palaces,
jackals luxurious in their buildings.
Its now approaching,
his days be prolonged.