Tuesday, December 14, 2010

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December 15, 2010 A thought a day of John Paul II

Since ancient times the Church in her pastoral concern, wanted to accompany the course of time with the celebration of the main events of Jesus' life and the history of salvation.
In this way it aims to illuminate the Christian on the path of his life, support it in their daily occupations, elevated to a supernatural atmosphere, orient toward the expectation that the definitive encounter with Christ the Lord. We strive to live intensely this first "important time of arrival" in preparation for Christmas. The birth of Jesus is the event absolutely central in history, toward which converge the stories of humanity earlier and from which branch off their subsequent developments. The great theme of reflection, shows us that Advent, is to consider a renewed attention to the crucial importance of the coming of Christ on earth.
Advent, in fact, is the propitious time to rediscover with joy the certainty of our faith: Jesus became man for us. He is alive and well in today's world, and with the power of his Spirit, continues to act within hearts to arrange to receive the message of salvation.

[Angelus, December 1, 1991]


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