Professor, what kind are you? As modes of being of the Italian Academy and the individual elements of character can determine the fate of a university science and human
He explains, between the serious and the ' ironically, a book by Francis Atten.
(mezzoeuro note published on May 2009)
are the particular characteristics of a profession to attract and select individuals
constitutionally predisposed to it, or is the sub-culture characteristic of the profession that drives people to adopt a particular configuration of character? For the firefighter needs a dose of courage, innate, the apparent cynicism of the doctors can be regarded as an inevitable consequence of being in continuous contact with patients and diseases.
starts from this simple consideration Attena Francesco (Naples 1952), Professor of General and Applied Hygiene, Faculty of Medicine Second University of Naples, to analyze the integration process in setting academic and whether it entails, as the price, some form of psychopathological degeneration. His book "psychopathology of academic career" (Philos editions - Rome - 1995 - ISBN88-86589-2-6) makes use of the descriptive categories and the language of psychiatry, alternating humor to serious reflection, to describe the varied and sometimes, even funny microcosm university, highlighting flaws and weaknesses of individual members of the Italian Academy.
It 's a 80-page booklet that I read about often since 1997 and where I can always find a description of my behavior and those of several colleagues during the twenty-year career I have had occasion to meet in various situations, both in the precarious role of the first, after a teacher and researcher, both in carrying out tasks administrator of the University. I could see how a combination of various types and subtypes described by Attena always able to represent very well the individual academic who has faced. If you know the story of that person can also try to trace its evolution over time between these types and subtypes, and note how events are frequently intertwined with its basic character notes. I have noticed how, at both the UniCal, or in any other Italian headquarters, things are repeated with a striking similarity. You can better understand many of the current ills of the Italian university and may occur as individual and collective behavior, innate or acquired, may explain some degeneration, but also make clear where it comes from the strength that can keep the boat afloat, often the results are surprisingly excellent. It is easier to understand the difference between the Italian system and those of our other "competitors". European, Japanese, Americans, but also Indian, Chinese, etc.. Confronted with Greek, Argentinian, English, but you can see similarities in both defects, and in virtue.
I try to summarize the content more meaningful, and sometimes ironic, the book. Now in our region
the number of teachers and university researchers is beginning to be "statistically" significant. Once it was almost impossible to find a family in Calabria without a railroad, now beginning to be practically impossible not to have a relative or friend who teaches at the University or research, and with a tenure or through one of the various forms of collaboration (research, research and / or lecturer, etc). Anyone can then try to identify among the various descriptions of his friends or himself, and check Attena if successful, at least in part, to rebuild the academic type which seems to belong while still trying to figure out if the business and the environment that attends such knowledge it has altered over time.
Attena divides the attitudes of university students in three subtypes
fairly stable, as strongly linked to the basic character notes that the individual has developed the first university to start a career, or even that they are innate (for stability I like this since the type and subtype, as happens in the book). There are the classic subtype, the unscrupulous and the critical one. There. In addition, four syndromes or "types" which, however, evolve over time and are identified as: beginner, narcissistic, dissociated and convoluted. They followed the development of university curriculum and are strongly related to the achievement (or not) of the various academic stages, from apprenticeship to retirement.
SYNDROME / subtype | CLASSIC | Spregiudicate | CRITICAL |
ADVANCED | Neophyte classic | Neophyte unscrupulous | Neophyte critical |
NARCISSIST | classic narcissist | narcissist unscrupulous | ------------------- |
DIFFERENTIATED | Classic engaged | --------------------- | Critical disengaged |
INVOL | Classic screwball | unscrupulous paranoid | Critical schizoid |
The table summarizes the various combinations of base. It is noted that some combinations are considered practically impossible to happen and we understand from the descriptions later. Of course, combinations are also possible co-existence that we can find a middle way between two adjacent combinations. As events are possible, sometimes even traumatic, and sometimes luck, which can blow a combination to another, so one person can be categorized in different stages of his academic life, apparently in two ways mixed. I myself have "jumped" (or at least I think) from the classical neophyte, the neophyte critic and then move towards a middle ground between the classic and the classic narcissist busy. I seem to have equal chances of becoming (but very calmly, without haste!) Classic screwball or critical schizoid.
The neophyte is usually the young researcher or volunteer
persevering with the hope of inclusion that expresses all the enthusiasm of early career. In the classic enough to passively suffer various forms of training, Respect superiors. Show total loyalty to the institution and the specific group. It lacks a powerful critic, often has a limited but highly specialized knowledge of general culture. His greatest ambition is often to be able to spend a study period in the "States". He has blind faith in the utility of science, believes the all-powerful analytical tools of research. Indoctrination is more functional institution, and, among other things, includes full loyalty and obedience to the "master". Make the most menial tasks awaiting the catharsis, that is full inclusion in the university world, and then will experience a reversal of roles by presenting the account of their sufferings to the new recruits. If, however, belongs to the subtype "unscrupulous" behaves in a more utilitarian and less naive. Finally, if the subtype is "critical" shows generally as well as a significant critical spirit is also a good general knowledge. Shows dissent in explicit form and not yet fully conscious and alive in a situation of integration-separation which can also lead to some emotional imbalance and some organic somatization.
E 'fairly intuitive that the forms of academic selection, which often adopt a Darwinian process that tends to survive the most suitable system, favors the classical neophyte. The unscrupulous can pass through the mesh if it manages to camouflage itself in sheep although basically a wolf. The subtype critic has difficulty entering either by choice, for both negative response of the system. The ease of passage of the classic newcomer is also linked to the high probability of being judged by academics who come from the same category.
The narcissist is usually the neophyte grown, mature and become accepted by the system. By now the enthusiasm
has become routine, curiosity, confidence, faith in science even belief in himself. The narcissist does this syllogism, "the university (and science more generally) is the cultural beacon of humanity, I am his authoritative representative, ergo, I'm a cultural beacon of humanity" From here one can easily understand the high-assurance that led him to offer opinions on everything, giving their status claims of certainty. And 'generally well framed in the system and it tends to remain unchanged, academic rules and regulations, easily find the director, chairman of the board of the degree course, Dean, committee member, board of directors. There is no obvious incompatibility narcissistic critic for the type and subtype. If the subtype is classic keeps immaculate image of their work is intellectually honest and behaviorally. E 'in the classic practice heard and respected academic who dispenses advice and disinterested pleasures. Its advantage is almost always the pleasure of being admired and respected. If it is "unconventional" will become proficient broker, shrewd adviser, weaver treacherous alliances. Generally does not like to appear and manages its power in the shadows. The particular concern prestige, power and money. The two types can come into conflict, but more frequently tend to live in symbiosis. The classic is in the spotlight and enjoys the admiration that is suitable, the second is its shadow, and apparently unbeknownst to the first, woven to his advantage and / or group to which even the classic often belongs.
The dissociation can not be a subtype of "unconventional" because they must have already fed ideals
an identity crisis that must have put into question, or should already be critical in nature. This syndrome, in fact, comes in a classical neophyte, or not passed the stage narcissistic, in which some event has made him aware that his ideal vision of science is not perfect correspondence in reality. Perhaps this doubt was hatched in an unconscious way and now can not deny the evidence. If it is the neophyte critic, the evolution is natural. The system has accepted and has also accepted its critical spirit. If derived from the classic subtype there is a danger that you begin to dogmatically reject everything that is "certified knowledge" and that before he accepted with equal conviction. If you do not fall into this trap, it becomes a "classic-committed". He fights against the dullness of the institutions, research alternate forms of commitment. E 'tireless and persevering. Hardly lost his love for scientific truth. No longer shows the security before and prefer dialogue to monologue. Try to involve new members. Frequently, however, it happens that his work does not achieve its objectives. If attempts fail to reach an unbearable number can degenerate to the classic screwball or to the critical schizoid. But the system may fail to embrace and by pardoning his momentary phase of rebellion, returns it to normal anonymity (the lost sheep who returns to the fold!). If the dissociation is of subtype critic tries to build a niche in which vivacchia and tends to manifest contempt, provoking and mocking the system, knowing But obedient to return at the appropriate time. The classic dissociated in practice is committed to criticize the system to improve it, the critical content often is a critical end in itself.
We come finally to the involutional syndrome. And 'the saddest event in the life of a university.
The residual happiness of a university is primarily under the convoluted benevolence and tolerance of those around him. The syndrome is linked only desirable involutional age, but there are regressive forms related to traumatic events (ie the rejection in a contest that was sure to win, the sudden discovery of contempt by people of a scientific reference, etc..), or related to work stress (for those who can easily strike a spirit of service or thirst for power or to take center stage, have combined teaching commitments, scientific and institutional, overlap, leading the person is exhausted), or to having developed that your work has enormous social value that you were convinced. If the convoluted and "classic" problems of substance and the leaves slowly stick to minutiae (his best wishes to my colleague, the perfect functioning copier, etc.).. In those rare cases in which is an "unbiased" (rather immune to the involutional syndrome) becomes more suspicious, see plots against him everywhere. More frequently, however, realizes that his previous life has so many feuds combine academic and difficult to tolerate and retiring early or taking refuge in an anonymous business niche. If it is "critical" is well tolerated, especially because in the past almost never has held positions of responsibility. Becomes the classic professor dazed, distracted, incoherent and almost always mild.
Attena The book also dwells on etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Pleasant therapy that provides a "stage" magazine consisting of a radical change in social and professional role, such as one week a year working as a dishwasher humble.
There is a chapter, however, that it is important to understand many of the ills of the Italian university
. The chapter deals with the "academic delusions." There are three: the delirium bureaucratic, scientific, and especially the war.
Delirium bureaucratic
not be confused with sound bureaucratic organization. In fact it is its degeneration. It affects those universities that do not have a significant benefit. Often you can not tell if the unreasonableness of the bureaucratic structure created to give herself a reason to exist, or if excessive bureaucracy has weakened over time the value of the property by overshadowing its original mission science. If you are in a fit of delirium can observe scientific meetings bureaucratic, administrative, department councils, boards of degree course, etc.. burst. Often these meetings are preceded by other meta-preparatory meetings (commissions, tips Bureau, etc.). In turn preceded by informal meetings, phone calls, etc.. Almost always at the end of the meeting hierarchically more important than all have accumulated voltage levels such that they need to recuperate, or to indulge in children's behavior. Decisions often are forgotten within minutes after the end of the meeting. You notice the existence of the delusion that they have all the bureaucratic arm, a file was frantically from one office to another.
Scientific Delirium is characterized by an overproduction of scientific work. Since when has set a maximum number of publications to be submitted to various competitions this delirium decreased in frequency. Remains in all cases where there is the content of the articles to be controlled, but their number. He then put in place all those tricks that allow you to multiply the loaves and fishes and the people involved think constantly about how to obtain the maximum number of publications with minimal effort.
But most of all the madness that explains many of the anomalies of the Italian university is the frenzy of war.
Like all academic delusions is not the individual to activate, or to suffer but affects the whole collective. The individual somehow even subjected to it. For the initiation of a delusion, of what war in this case, there is need for a character to the top of the hierarchy (a Director of department, chairman of the board of the degree course, for example). The members of the group, then, often trigger a mechanism of mutual reinforcement, after which the delirium is perceived as a real and legitimate need. The delirium of war almost always work in concentric circles: the core of student-teacher, the research group, department, the undergraduate degree, the faculty, the university. It feels more and more often the "warlike jargon" conquest of territory, strategic retreat, peace treaties, etc.. Phrases like "the blood must flow in rivers" are not surprising anybody. Sometimes two teachers can be allies or enemies to an interest for another, bordering on schizophrenia as relational. The reasons for the rivalry: the role of places to be divided among the departments, research funds, to be shared, etc.. The number of these places or the amount of funds to be divided often is ridiculous when compared with those of other environments, but this does not matter. The frenzy breaks out the same.
As you pass the delusions?
necessary that every member of the academic community remains present to itself, enacting the "active resistance". Must always bear in mind their beliefs, especially if they come into conflict with those of the group. You must enable comparisons with the outside world and not withdraw into shell university so that the size of those problems are real and not subjected to the phenomena of exaggerated fiction.
This is what is described by Atten. From its description and adding the necessary comparisons with the vices and virtues of other university systems, and to address also the ways of improving inter-relationship between the University and other cultural, productive, entrepreneurial, could be to identify ways to reduce and combat the current ills of the Italian university, to exalt the virtues and potential and, without getting caught by sport denigration of an end in itself, contribute to the revival of academic institutions and their productive use for the healthy growth of Italian society.
In Calabria, as usual, these goals are still the most important and strategic. The relative youth dell'UniCal
means that many of the ills of the Italian university campus are in our early stage, even in incubation time that is to defeat it in the bud and to maintain high academic standards and scientific and services and to continue to achieve excellence in research, that is to defend all those positive characteristics that have made so far to conquer the peaks of the major classifications of evaluation of universities Italian.