Cancel departments destroys research
[Alberto Asor Rosa, La Repubblica] of about 10 months ago
Gelmini The proposal to combine different materials is devoid of any logic culture. Some rectors have decided to anticipate the things already doing the amalgamations Erbano Francesco's article (The Republic, March 31, 2010) on the possible "disappearance of the Italian 'in university teaching (" danger of disappearing specific departments where Montale Petrarch or study), is sacrosanct, and I agree fully, including the testimony contained therein. Ma .. but it describes only one possible point of an iceberg of much more massive scale and the most dire consequences. I will try very briefly to say a very complex matter. Presidential Decree 382, \u200b\u200b- which regulates the organization of university studies, dating to the early '80s and is, mind you, yet fully in force - includes the following division of tasks: 1) all departments, agencies or mono-to as appropriate, multi-disciplinary, competes in an exclusive promotion and organization of research, 2) which courses of study dealing with individual branches of knowledge according to a function in teaching and training of good professional profiles, 3) Faculty bodies are larger, on the relationship between their different branches of that knowledge, according to more traditional optical (law) or innovative (Science communications). The system was in need of fixes and upgrades? Far from being excluded. But here's the surprise. A provision contained in the so-called reform Gelmini, still under discussion, expected to form a Department - or, worse, to keep it alive - it takes between forty and fifty teachers. That's how you open the frenzied run-up to mergers among smaller departments that make it possible a form (whatever) for survival. Understand the subtlety of the measure? We research, even research university: the most delicate matter for the civil, cultural and economic development of the nation. And the rule, prior and prior, does not affect the criteria, opportunities and effectiveness of "togetherness" in order to seek together "a particular field of knowledge, but because it is purely and simply, in forty-fifty (better However, in practice, sixty, so it meets prior to the scourge of retirement). The adverse effects are two: 1) forced marriage producing parts unrecognizable and sterile, 2) the disappearance of glorious bodies (the Wisdom, for example, there will be a Department of Classical Philology, an organization from the past in this most extraordinary and remarkable that, because the classical philologists, poor, alone will not reach the sacred number). But not enough. Someone wants to give the Departments also provide educational (already happening at Sapienza University of Rome). Then, as noted Erbano, as a result of mathematical sums, you will have the self-styled Departments of ancient and modern literature. This, from the standpoint of research, does not mean anything, in fact, is not going so crudely from the particular to the general that you can better identify themes and methods of further scientific exploration. If you add the teaching functions, you will have the wonderful square the circle: Departments such and such courses of study. So, with very simple means, he takes a fatal attack on the Italian research. In the name of what? But, of course, in the name of savings. This confirms, in this as in many other occasions, that the Minister Gelmini is a poor, helpless and incapable of nominees SuperMinistro Tremonti, who, with a cifretta, kneels the Italian academic world, which he ostensibly hates. One time we had no Gelmini said that the reform is still under discussion? This opens the second chapter, the most painful of this unlikely affair. Yes, it is true reform Gelmini is still under discussion. In the meantime, the Rectors of some of the main Italian universities have decided to move forward, starting the above process of merging their departments. The Rectors, the faithful interpreter of the will of government, rely on the fact that, at this stage, the mergers take place between the Departments of choice (in essence strongly desired and constrictive, but formally free and voluntary) by the same professors concerned. Latest chapter. These issues relate to a greater or lesser ability to perform research, that is to be good researchers and good men of culture, university professors should have done the barricades. Instead they started looking for partners all'affannosa less indigestible, if interessedev'essere of marriage, at least the nose of the bride or groom is not too horrifying. Finally, if you add, as rightly Erbano, which later inspired the enlightened SuperMinistro Tremonti, college professors out of every five retirees will fall one or two, a de profundis would seem the most cheerful song to accompany the fate of the future Italian university.
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