Gelmini: Only teachers We say this for some time. What we are imagining and building for months Giulio Tremonti, Mariastella Gelmini Berlusconi government and the whole is "a university for the rich". But we always thought that "for the rich" going to students with fathers and / or mothers with swollen portfolio. We never imagined that the construction of "a university for the rich" also related to the faculty. And that Giulio Tremonti, Mariastella Gelmini and Berlusconi's government were also building a university for full professors. "
Then we read the article 23 of Law 240/2010 of university reform approved by Parliament last December - the so-called "law Gelmini" - promulgated on December 30 and entered into force January 29, 2011, and we realized that we have a rather limited. Because the government and, then, the parliamentary majority have in mind and are making a 'university for students and teachers rich. " Without people who may have a scientific and educational curriculum fat, but a meager bank account.
Article 23, in fact, states: "The university (...) can contract for a period of one academic year and renewable annually for a maximum period of five years, whether free or not, for teaching in order to secure the cooperation of experts of high qualification in possession of a significant scientific or professional curriculum, which are dependent on other government departments, agencies or businesses, or for pensioners, self-employed or have an annual income not less than € 40,000 gross. "
Lecturers, therefore, can only be civil servants (and other administration), and self-employed retired rich. They are therefore excluded workers with fixed-term contracts (ie temporary) and self-employed poor, or at least not rich (those earning less than € 40,000).
Yes you read right: the "title of merit "to become teachers in the contract (contracts with up to 5 years) is not the" merit "(who has several publications, those who have more teaching experience), but the portfolio. The rectors - the only ones qualified to give an assignment of teaching - are called to act like Robin Hood in reverse: they have to remove the contract from the poor to give to the rich.
The standard is blatant. But, he says, has been inserted by mistake. It must have been an error. Not at all. This is precisely what the government and the majority want. Very strongly want.
So much so that Article 18 of the Act, paragraphs 5 and 6, is law that the people who are excluded from the possibility of doing research at universities are: the continuous and coordinated collaboration and occasional collaborators (ie temporary), as well as holders of scholarships for research and advanced training banned by the University, professionals and the administrative staff a fixed term.
So much so that did not respond to the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, who on December 30, in promulgating the law 240, pointed out the "reasonable doubt" of Article 23 and, therefore, explicitly asked to review it as soon as possible .
In fact on 29 January, the law came into force and became operational. Universities are not contracting for the job of teaching young people with precarious, but only with self-employed with incomes above € 40,000 and a few retired professor.
As pointed out - in a silence almost universal - a young professor at the University of Florence in a series of "post" on internet sites to Article 23 of the Act is: illogical (as is pointed out authoritatively the President of the Republic ); discriminatory because it favors the rich at the expense of the less wealthy, and almost certainly unconstitutional, because it limits the freedom of education on the basis of wealth; counterproductive because the teachers contract (about 50,000) cover a significant part of the teaching at universities and in numbers greater than the sum of ordinary and associate professors (37,000).
Despite all these warnings, Article 23 is currently in force. So much of the credit and face of young people, who - according to the Minister - should be the objectives of the reform. Most likely, the article serves only to save a few cents, the true objective of the law written by Mariestella Gelmini and dictated by Giulio Tremonti.
February 12, 2011
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