Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Are The Best Sccoter Wheels?

Interns Calabria 2008: the odyssey continues A cut to the future

published by a representative group of trainees on the 17.02.2011

Reggio Calabria. The odyssey of the poor unfortunate doctors plurititolati Internship Program for 2008 remains on the horizon and without openings. Three months after the entry into force of Law No 32/2010, passed unanimously, which basically provides an incentive of € 10,000 for each trainee that a public body intends contractualisation and providing, also, again in favor of former trainees, development of integrated pathways (even individual) guidance, higher education and job placement, with funds from the EU structural funds, what is reflected in everything? None. All this is colliding with a tragic reality of our land: the ineptitude and incompetence of the Public Administration Calabria. Step by step. The mechanism of the Law 32/2010 provided, first, a public notice addressed to the public interested in contractualisation doctors already involved in the program stages. This notice was published on Burc No 3 of 21 January 2011, but is useless because today was not yet published the list of trainees who have successfully completed the program, provided by regional law. People essential to allow the public to make an informed choice of interns from contractualisation in the absence of the view that the mechanism stops. Well, those who wonder what happened to this list, the most extreme imagination is not enough to understand it. After several delays of the University in transmitted data to the Regional Council of the doctors involved and their relative educational booklet, the Council has provided ready to run the Department lists 10 of the Calabria Region "Policies Labour, Vocational Training and Social Policy, in charge of the bureaucracy. The Department has made 10 post on Burc absolutely incomplete list, forgetting a whole field of interns (and I'll pay!). He was the February 8, so, after doing this thing all the protagonists of the story, we obtained a rectification of this prior information on the site in the Calabria region and is calling for daily posting on the official bulletin that gives list. Every day you receive timely reassurance from someone from the Department 10 of the publication, but for every bulletin on our list is not. So this morning exasperated We have personally visited the Department, intercepted the car the employee in charge of our list, we were cleared by the reassurance (yet another) that all had been given on 14/02 and almost certainly, barring any technical issues, it would Burc been published on this Friday. Not happy we went to check it at the headquarters of the Official Gazette, but the clerk who takes care of sending the documents to print, very friendly and courteous, we froze, saying they could not publish it. The reason is obvious: it was the wrong note of reply in support of the new list, arrived in the afternoon of 15/02 (not 14), which they obviously can not change arbitrarily. As we saw with our eyes rather than bring amazed "... It cancels the previous publication," he said, "is asked to set aside (who?) Previous publication ..." The error correction and suggestion was promptly informed by Burc by fax on 02/16 (we have seen the receipt of the fax) and this morning, after asking to postpone the release, the clerk had gone in person to the Department to recover the new note, but obviously this was not ready and it was postponed " perhaps "on Monday because there were people who probably would not sign it. So maybe our list will be published on Burc No. 7 of 2.25, but only if the Department 10 will deign to forward note correct adjustment. All this is nothing short of scandalous. Stop an administrative procedure that allows 350 young people suspended for failing to write an ordinary letter or copy of a list is a fairly dramatic image of our public administration. To all this we would like to add that the process described above, and when they will ever have an outcome, will only serve to ensure that former interns lucky to be chosen by local authorities may have a contract of about € 500 per month for one year . Currently, in addition, the funding in the regional budget is of just € 550,000 (Law No 32/2010 that is € 3,500,000), or that needed to contractualisation only 55 out of 350 former trainees, but on this we are confident the assurances received by the Regional Council of integration which is certainly been our partner more correct and careful. As regards then the procedure mentioned in paragraph 6 of Regional Law 32/2010, which quotes verbatim "The Region is committed also to encourage, by public and private entities in respect of trainees, development of integrated pathways ( even individual) guidance, higher education and job placement, with funds from the EU structural funds " , is just to draw a veil, because today, speaking with the lawyer Bruno Calvetti, director general of the Department 10, has not yet initiated any way. And perhaps because of the conditions described above for 2050 we will succeed!


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