Alessandra Migliozzi published
ROME - Blocking recruitment, and Auditors in red. It is likely that more than half (36 out of 66) of the Italian public universities where they could go up in smoke in the hopes of those who had a step assumption. And even some of the 1,500 jobs by year announced by the Minister Gelmini associated with the reform of the university. Blame the Milleproroghe This year there are so-called 'discount', the attenuation of personnel expenses, which enabled universities to keep their accounts in good standing. Since 2004 he has always been the possibility of separating from the fixed allowances for salaries part of the wages of employees of the Faculty of Medicine who also works in the NHS. Were 'Discounted' well as regular shots and agreements with external agencies. An accounting trick allowed universities to use no more than 90% of the state contribution (the FFO) to pay employees and public health personnel to spend less.
But now those who go above the maximum limit of 90% picked up the hiring freeze : The Law 1 of 2009 provides for the Gelmini. The rule was aimed to hit the universities wasteful, now threatens to fire on everyone. According to a table of the FLC CGIL are 36 universities which breached the 90%. The data refer all'Ffo 2009, that fund has been cut further in 2010. In Rome, the problem regards Sapienza and Tor Vergata. In Naples Federico II, Eastern Europe, the second university. Same music at the University of Siena, State University of Turin, Milan and the state of the Eagle on campus.
'Reform Gelmini - Decleva said Enrico, chairman of the Rectors' Conference, Crui - provides that within 12 months of the Ministries of Economy and the University to enact a decree to revise the limit of 90% and the matters relating to the accounts of universities. We ask that this decree is issued on time or the situation will be unmanageable. The assumptions for the most likely to crash of 2012, but in some university may break soon. Enter the discount in Milleproroghe would have represented a safeguard for universities. " The attenuation of the costs "are not a gift to the university - note by the universities - Our doctors offer their work to the health service and the regional integration only pay (equal to one third of the salary, ed) that often universities anticipate and Back in that case very slowly or never. "
The rectors are on a war footing. In the House the Democratic Party, said the deputy Giovanni Bachelet, "recur amendment on the discounts that the Senate was not admitted." But Milleproroghe is armored. The problem of concern immediately stop the recruitment of a dozen universities. "If you block me I'm ready to have recourse to the TAR because my accounts are in good standing in-announces the rector of La Sapienza Luigi Frati - We also are leaning improperly charges for payment of nurses and orderlies at the Policlinico Umberto I. Eventually it will come out that people should give us the money does not and that meanwhile the government to cut state funds. It 's a good thing that the' discount 'to be skipped: it was a scam. I want to see if things are put right. "
A Tor Vergata alarm "We are a young university - Said the rector, Renato Lauro - does not save us even with retirement: we have a few. If breached the 90% we can not do competitions or implement services. Yet we had some university awards by the Ministry as virtuous. " A Tor Vergata to make cash is expected to have a tax increase: 100 euro more per student. The rector of the University of Foggia, Giuliano Volpe, announced: "Next Thursday in the Rectors' Conference shall move the case. The universities are penalized on several fronts: First they cut off the funds, then those with a medical school, although his staff saves the NHS, call us, because it anticipates the salary supplements caused by the Regions, the reviews come back with great delay and goes out of balance because they are put in charge as well as domestic spending, even if it is not. "
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