Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Women Average Neck Size

Dura Lex, Sed Lex

Adelmo is pissed. He has an ongoing dispute with his neighbor because of a wall that is to say of his neighbor across, SFOR of about ten centimeters in his private property. But this is the last oppression, the latest drop in the ocean of crap that always accompanies the life of Adelmo: balls that go beyond the fences unexpectedly, crumbs flying around recklessly in the wrong balconies, television and radio volumes that exceed the threshold of decibels of their personal scale. Branches which flood the shadow of another wall.

Clearly I went because: it could not be otherwise. And what the heck. Adelmo does not seem at all frightened by the need for a civil case involves lawyers, courtrooms, stamped papers. I do have always been terrified. But Adelmo Adelmo my friend, is not a rare bird, and is not even a captain of industry accustomed to all the battles of life. Italy is made of steps that change the story in court. It should work out if you want to enter the lists of claimants.

We are the only country in the world, and the first in history who has managed to take out a ruling class without revolutions, nor elections policies, or any other tool humans use to make policy. He did it with blows of stamped paper. North Africa was enough to increase the price of bread. We would have brought a class action and we would have ended all together in a huge court. For us this is the Revolution, by Tangentopoli forward.

The thing must be very well liked. Because from then on - that for nearly twenty years - the entire country is in the throes of a veritable frenzy pettifogger.
Lawyers, judges, prosecutors, magistrate and Gup are popular as Tony Little's time Canzonissima. Some associated law firms have more employees of the Fiat. The appearances on TV are most in demand by sponsors to a speech in a unified network of Obama. It is a gamble to think that sooner or later put in the yard quite a Panini sticker album (already I see the kids: I'll give you a Taormina for a Ghedini, and I want to spoil, do you also lay member of the CSM). It is logical and not unnatural to think that if two people will stare across at least turn to the European Court.

I always thought that our Constitution is untouchable, is a model for all countries in the world. But note that requiring that the prosecution, well, Make sure to change it.

The risk is to become the Judiciary as a giant Telefono Azzurro, for a country like ours, made up of children of all ages ...


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