Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Long To Stay Home With Bronchitis

Schools, the revolution that will change the the site from February 23, 2011

from the current 23 goes to the five main areas of study

all excited for the new Constitution and the subsequent implementation of the reform Gelmini. The design of the new constitutional charter of the University enters into full swing. After the meeting of the University last Thursday, the committee of 15 experts is preparing a draft which will take stock in the Academic Senate on 8 March and the Board of Directors 15.
announced yesterday morning in the Senate the same rector, "Presentation of material legal proceedings, will be a mutual hearing - said Ivano Dionigi - at the end of the path the board of directors will give an opinion but it will be the Senate to approve the new statute. This is the body responsible for training and research and the State must be to walk the instrument in research, teaching, student services, the political input must come from the Senate. " In early March begin 45 days of hearings of the Committee with the function of universities, then the next 45 days will be devoted to discussions in the faculties and departments. The approval of the new text must be made within 29 July: the law provides Gelmini.
lively "discussion about the unification of the departments. The University has decided that in 2013 must have at least 50 members each, "currently only 20 68-70 on departments to meet this requirement, 'he reminded the rector. There are three combinations already born: Italian Studies in Classical Philology and Literature, Tell me (civil engineering, environmental and materials) in Engineering and Science in Veterinary Medical Veterinary. Much more is boiling in the pot. We start from the humanities. Stories for a first hypothesis is to unite them all (from antiquity to modern) along with Archaeology and a second providing a department of history (from antiquity to the Middle Ages) a department of archeology and more contemporary. The writer of the show to combine music and visual arts, communication, language studies and oriental architecture that But will probably engineering. Philosophers will be yourself, and even those of us trying Culture. The area depends dall'assetto medical care departments, and is playing himself. A science is mathematics, which might join the math of the social sciences, as well as Physics, Astronomy and perhaps that should attach Geological Sciences. Still doubts on the union between Computer Science and Information Engineering of Deis. Great unknowns Finally, marriage between the Department of Political Science and Politics, institutions and history.
The first change of reform is the extension automatically Gelmini rectory of Dionysius, who remains in office until 2015 (his first term would have expired in 2013). The new law forced to intervene in shaping the future structure of the University, which would be changed: Dionysius wanted the state reforms, launched in '93 and designed by Mark Camel, text that twice the previous Rector Pier Ugo Calzolari had tried to intervene. On 30 March, the Senate and the board of directors have appointed the committee, made up of 15 persons designated by the chancellor, who is president are part of two students, two technicians and administrative staff and ten professors. Only since January, with the approval of the Gelmini, the work came in vivo. "Unreformed to redress the balance or curb spending - said the University of Dionysius in the assembly last week - The statute had to be done anyway, we had to improve and change, Gelmini or not. And there can be a downward, we have eyes on him from other universities. "
The Board will act as strategic and more power than today: will consist of a maximum of 11 members (Bologna now has 23), and will have three external components ("At present there are 5, and we talk about non-private members from outside, "notes the rector). The Senate will consist of a maximum of 35 members (Bologna she now has 42). The most radical change will cover facilities or faculties and departments. The faculty as we know them today will disappear, their place will be the schools, the law requires, must not exceed 12 (provided, however, exceptions to the universities more complex). The Commission was currently examining several hypotheses, including that of combining the current 23 faculty in five schools: area of \u200b\u200bthe humanities, medicine, engineering, political science and, finally, legal and economic sciences. The debate is on.
Marina Amador
February 23, 2011


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